Our faculty, who represent two universities and over ten academic departments, are active researchers with major grant support. In addition to research and teaching, they serve as editors of research journals, presidents of academic associations, and organizers of national and international conferences.
Dive deeper by exploring their interests, academic work, personal websites, or feel free to reach out via email or phone.
Victoria Delaney
Assistant Professor
Mathematics Education
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, SDSU
Teacher education, emergent technologies, machine learning education, AI education, data science education & methodology, statistics education, curriculum design, research-practice partnerships, human-computer interaction.
John Eggers
Teaching Professor
Department of Mathematics, UCSD
Students' mathematical understanding, technology, undergraduate education
Nick Johnson
Associate Professor
School of Teacher Education, SDSU
Learning in interaction, early childhood math
Lisa Clement Lamb
Professor of Mathematics Education
School of Teacher Education, SDSU
Beliefs, teacher noticing
Rich Levine
Professor of Statistics
Faculty Advisor, Analytics Studies and Institutional Research
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, SDSU
Statistical methods, learning analytics, educational data mining
Joanne Lobato
Professor of Mathematics Education
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, SDSU
Videos in student learning, actor-oriented transfer, algebraic reasoning
Susan Nickerson, MSED Co-Director and Steering Committee Member
Professor of Mathematics Education
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, SDSU
Professional development, student/teacher understanding
Christopher O'Neill
Associate Professor
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, SDSU
Number theory; combinatorics; abstract algebra and undergraduate research in mathematics
Michael O'Sullivan
Professor and Chair
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, SDSU
Institutional change, online learning
Randolph A. Philipp
Professor of Mathematics Education
School of Teacher Education, SDSU
Professional development, teacher beliefs
Mary Pilgrim
Associate Professor of Mathematics Education
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, SDSU
Evidence-based teaching practices (design and sustainability), student writing in mathematics, professional development of graduate students
David Quarfoot, MSED Graduate Advisor
Associate Teaching Professor
Department of Mathematics, UCSD
Mathematical problems, quantitative methods
Jeff Rabin, MSED Co-Director and Steering Committee Member
Professor of Mathematics
Department of Mathematics, UCSD
Reasoning and proof, the role of mathematics in science education
Chris Rasmussen, MSED Steering Committee Member
Professor of Mathematics Education
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, SDSU
Teaching/learning of undergraduate mathematics, institutional change, norms/beliefs
Daniel Reinholz
Professor of Mathematics Education
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, SDSU
Holistic design, faculty development, equity/diversity/social justice
Laura Stevens
Associate Teaching Professor
Department of Mathematics, UCSD
Pre-service teachers
William Zahner
Director of the Center for Research in Mathematics and Science Education (CRMSE) and Professor of Mathematics Education
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, SDSU
Mathematical understanding, English-language learners, equity
Matt Anderson
Associate Professor of Physics
Department of Physics, SDSU
Student engagement, technology
Stacey Brydges
Teaching Professor
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, UCSD
Science literacy, K-grad education, pedagogical methods
Adam Burgasser
Department of Physics, UCSD
Observational astrophysics; interactive and embodied learning methods in Physics education
Thomas Bussey
Associate Teaching Professor
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, UCSD
Visual literacy, qualtitative/quantitative methods, technology
R. Sekhar Chivukula
Distinguished Professor
Department of Physics, UCSD
Particle physics, eletroweak symmetry breaking, STEM education
Fred Goldberg
Professor of Physics Education
Department of Physics, SDSU
Online learning environments, meaningful learning
Ashley Juavinett
Associate Teaching Professor
Department of Neurobiology, UCSD
Inclusive neuroscience education & career paths
Scott Kelley
Professor of Biology
Department of Biology, SDSU
Computational biology, mircobiology
Regis Komperda, MSED Graduate Advisor
Associate Professor of Chemical Education
Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, SDSU
Statistical methods, evaluation of educational research instruments
Stanley Lo, MSED Steering Committee Member
Associate Teaching Professor
Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, UCSD
Faculty change, student identity, course-based undergraduate research experiences
Stanley Maloy
Associate Vice President of Research and Innovation and Professor of Biology
Department of Biology, SDSU
Genetic, molecular, biochemical, and genomic explorations of bacteria
Lisa McDonnell
Associate Teaching Professor
Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, UCSD
Influence of teaching practices on student learning and the development of scientific thinking
Claire Meaders
Assistant Teaching Professor
Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, UCSD
How faculty teach and how students experience STEM courses
Stacy Ochoa
Assistant Teaching Professor
Department of Molecular Biology, UCSD
Effectiveness of active learning strategies and student-centered approaches in biology curriculum; How interventions affect students’ self-identity, self-efficacy and/or sense of belonging
Walter Oechel
Professor of Biology
Biology Department, SDSU
Productivity and growth dynamics of ecosystems, policy-maker communication
Melinda Owens
Assistant Teaching Professor of Biology
Division of Biological Sciences, UCSD
How college instructors teach biology, how college students think about biology
Miranda Parker
Assistant Professor of Computer Science
Department of Computer Science, SDSU
Computer Science Education, Assessment, Equity
Donna Ross
Associate Professor of Science Education
School of Teacher Education, SDSU
Teacher beliefs, student thinking of scientific principles
Gena Sbeglia
Assistant Professor of Biology
Department of Biology, SDSU
Biology Education, Evolution Education, Psychometrics, STEM Diversity
Katie Schenkel
Assistant Professor of Science Education
School of Teacher Education, SDSU
Equity/justice/power, critical science agency, community-based science learning
Meredith Houle Vaughn, MSED Steering Committee Member
Associate Professor of Science Education
School of Teacher Education, SDSU
Curriculum design, professional development
Haim Weizman
Teaching Professor
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, UCSD
Organic chemistry education, lab development
Gabriele Wienhausen
Distinguished Teaching Professor Emeritus
Meaningful biology education, institutional change
Kathy Williams
Professor of Biology
Biology Department, SDSU
Curriculum design, student engagement, teaching methods
Morana Alač
Professor of Communication and Science Studies
Department of Communications, UCSD
Ethnographic research, technology interaction
David Barner
Professor of Psychology
Department of Psychology, UCSD
Language development, concept development
Leland Beck
Department of Computer Science, SDSU
Cooperative learning, curriculum design
Marva Cappello
School of Teacher Education, SDSU
Use of visuals to support English language development, literacy & qualitative inquiry
Thandeka K. Chapman
Department of Education Studies, UCSD
(1) Examining the ways in which institutional racism is manifested in school climate, curriculum, adult and student relationships, and school policies.
(2) Finding ways to alleviate barriers to student learning by: (a) addressing (in)equitable school and district policies; (b) documenting culturally relevant pedagogy; and (c) examining and developing social justice and multicultural curricula.
Alexander Chizhik
Professor of Educational Psychology
SDSU Director of Academic Labor Relations
Equity, collaborative learning
Sherice Clarke
Associate Professor
Department of Education Studies, UCSD
Educational equity, classroom dialogue, student engagement, teacher cognition, educational technologies
Alan Daly
Department of Education Studies, UCSD
Social network theory, educational leadership
Amanda Datnow
Professor of Education Studies
Associate Dean of the Division of Social Sciences, UCSD
Education reform and policy, equity
Emma Geller
Assistant Teaching Professor
Department of Psychology, UCSD
Science of learning and instruction, conceptual learning in math and science
Chris Halter, MSED Graduate Advisor and Steering Committee Member
Teaching Professor
Department of Education Studies, UCSD
Video analysis, statistical methods, teacher training
Sera Hernández
Department Chair and Associate Professor
Dual Language and English Learner Education, SDSU
Sociocultural, linguistic and political contexts surrounding educational language policies, bilingual teacher preparation, and bilingualism and biliteracy practices
Gail Heyman
Professor of Psychology
Department of Psychology, UCSD
Social cognition in children/adults, cross-cultural studies
Mia Minnes
Associate Teaching Professor
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, UCSD
Problem solving, community-building, scholarship of teaching/learning
Melissa Navarro
Associate Professor
Dual Language and English Learner Education, SDSU
Anti-racist STEM education, K-8, dual language/bilingual education
Elizabeth Simon
Teaching Professor
Department of Education Studies, UCSD
Evidence-based practice, peer instruction, learning outcomes
Dustin Thoman
Department of Psychology, SDSU
Social identity and interaction, motivation, diversity
Caren Walker
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Department of Psychology, UCSD
Early learning, abstract reasoning, and cognitive development
Alison Wishard Guerra
Associate Professor
Department of Education Studies, UCSD
Early education and development, specifically the intersection of cognitive and social-emotional development within diverse cultural contexts
Our graduates secure jobs in a variety of diverse and prestigous settings. Some take positions in subject-based departments (e.g., Department of Mathematics, Department of Physics), while others work in Departments of Education. Some work in industry or in K-12 education. With a Ph.D. in Math and Science Education, you can contribute to all aspects of education.
Ernesto D. Calleros, '24
Dissertation: Investigating the Language Demands and Resources of Inquiry-Based Mathematics Education for Multilingual Students: The Case of Inquiry-Oriented Linear Algebra
Chair: Bill Zahner
Title: Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics
California State University, Fresno
Colin McGrane, '24
Dissertation: A Holistic View of Student Success in Systemic Change: An Investigation of Student Identities and Experiences in Undergraduate Mathematics
Chair: Chris Rasmussen
Title: Lecturer and Calc 1 Coordinator
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
San Diego State University
Samantha Ridgway, '24
Dissertation: This is the Way: Promoting Accessible Teaching Throughout a Faculty Learning Community and Customized Data Analytics
Chair: Dan Reinholz
Title: Postdoctoral Researcher
Clemson University
Brinley Stringer, '24
Dissertation: Bridging Gaps: How Near-Peer Mentors Impact the Ecologies of Participation Within a Mathematics Department
Chair: Mary Pilgrim
Title: Math Learning Center Program Director
Boise State University
Tina Marcroft, '24
Dissertation: Taxonomic Organization and Evolutionary Relatedness Understanding in Experts and Novices
Chair: Regis Komperda
Title: Postdoctoral Researcher
Texas State University
Makenna Martin, '23
Dissertation: Investigating Transformative Experience and Community-Engaged Learning in STEM to Bolster Student Connection, Recognition, and Application of Science Ideas
Chair: Dustin Thoman
Title: Outreach Specialist
Southern California Coastal Ocean Observing System
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD
Michael Foster, '23
Dissertation: Vicarious Learning through Dialogic Scripted and Unscripted Videos: Orientations and Problem-Solving Behaviors
Chair: Joanne Lobato
Title: Postdoctoral Research Associate
Thomas H. Gosnell School of Life Sciences
Rochester Institute of Technology
Song (Ted) Wang, '23
Dissertation: Agential Variation Theory: Towards a Post-humanist Performative Account of Undergraduate Biochemistry Students Learning with External Representations of Proteins
Co-Chairs: Stanley Lo & Thomas Bussey
Title: Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
College of Natural and Behaviorals Sciences
California State University, Dominguez Hills
Antonio E. Martinez, '22
Dissertation: Bridging the Gap Between Set Theory and Logic: Leveraging Computing as a Mediating Tool for Learning
Chair: Chris Rasmussen
Title: Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
California State University, Long Beach
Kevin Pelaez, '22
Dissertation: Teaching Data for Social Justice to Pre-Service Mathematics Teachers
Chair: Bill Zahner
Title: Data Scientist at Duo Security
Nicole A. Suarez, '22
Dissertation: Exploring Lesson Study as a Model of Professional Development for Higher Education Chemistry Instructional Teams
Chair: Stanley Lo & Stacey Brydges
Title: Research Scientist at Vala Sciences, Inc.
Adriana Corrales, '21
Dissertation: Exploring Chemistry Graduate Student Identity Development and the Intersection of Multiple Sub-Identities
Chair: Regis Komperda
Title: Postdoctoral Associate, Chemistry, North Texas University
Amelia Stone-Johnstone, '21
Dissertation: Supporting College Algebra Students’ Learning: Unpacking One Institution's Implementation of the Corequisite Model
Chair: Daniel Reinholz
Title: Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics
California State University, Fullerton
Lauren Emery, '21
Dissertation: Exploring the Relationship between Teacher Professional Noticing and Responsive Teaching in Experienced Secondary Science Teachers
Chair: Meredith Houle Vaughn
Title: Lauren Emery is currently teaching high school sciences.
Matt Voigt, '20
Dissertation: Queer-Spectrum Student Experiences and Resources in Undergraduate Mathematics
Chair: Chris Rasmussen
Title: Assistant Professor, Engineering and Science Education, Clemson University
Katie Bjorkman, '19
Dissertation: The Identities of Undergraduate Mathematics Peer Tutors Within the Figured World of a Mathematics Learning Center
Chair: Susan Nickerson
Title: Katie Bjorkman currently has a position at Richard Bland College of William and Mary.
Lynda Wynn, '19
Dissertation: Exploring the Ways Emergent Bilingual Students' Engagement in Mathematical Practices is Supported Through the Teacher-Curriculum Interaction
Chair: Bill Zahner
Title: Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, California State University Stanislaus
Naneh Apkarian, '18
Dissertation: Transforming Precalculus to Calculus 2: A Longitudinal Study of Social and Structural Change in a University Mathematics Department
Chair: Chris Rasmussen
Title: Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education, School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Arizona State University
Raymond LaRochelle, '18
Dissertation: Secondary Teachers' Professional Noticing of Students' Mathematical Thinking
Co-Chairs: Lisa Clement Lamb & Randy Philipp
Title: Senior Analyst, Technical Account Analytics team, Epsilon (Chicago)
Hayley Milbourne, '18
Dissertation: How Graduate Teaching Assistants Developed Their Understandings of Various Teaching Practices as They Engaged with Professional Development
Chair: Susan Nickerson
Title: Professor of Practice, Mathematics& Director of MLC and MPP, University of San Diego
C. David Walters, '17
Dissertation: The Development of Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching for Quantitative Reasoning using Video-Based Instruction
Chair: Joanne Lobato
Title: Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics and the Center for Science and Mathematics Education, Weber State University
J. Brooke Ernest, '16
Dissertation: Mathematical Practices and Arts Integration in an Activity-Based Projective Geometry Course
Chairs: Ricardo Nemirovsky & Chris Rasmussen
Title: Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, CSU Channel Islands
John Gruver, '16
Dissertation: Exploring the Relationships between Emergent Mathematical Practices, Individuals' Ways of Reasoning, and Meanings Constructed through Discourse
Chair: Joanne Lobato
Title: Associate Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Michigan Technological University
Casey Hawthorne, '16
Dissertation: Teachers' Understanding of Algebraic Generalization
Chair: Randy Philipp
Title: Associate Professor, Mathematics Department, Furman University
David Quarfoot, '15
Dissertation: The Music of Mathematics: Toward a New Problem Typology
Chairs: Richard Levine & Chris Rasmussen
Title: Associate Teaching Professor (Lecturer SOE), Department of Mathematics, UCSD
Bridget Druken, '15
Dissertation: Sustaining Lesson Study: Resources and Factors that Support and Constrain Mathematics Teachers' Ability to Continue After the Grant Ends
Chair: Susan Nickerson
Title: Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, CSU Fullerton
Mike Fredenberg, '15
Dissertation: Factors Considered by Elementary Teachers When Developing and Modifying Mathematical Tasks to Support Children's Mathematical Thinking
Chairs: Randy Philipp & Susan Nickerson
Title: Associate Professor, Math Department, Bakersfield College
Molly Kelton, '15
Dissertation: Math on the Move: A Video-Based Study of School Field Trips to a Mathematics Exhibition
Chair: Ricardo Nemirovsky
Title: Associate Professor, College of Education, Washington State University
Spencer Bagley, '14
Dissertation: Improving Student Success in Calculus: A Comparison of Four College Calculus Classes
Chair: Chris Rasmussen
Title: Associate Professor, Mathematics Department, Westminster College, Salt Lake City
Jess Ellis Hagman, '14
Dissertation: Preparing Future College Instructors: The Role of Graduate Student Teaching Assistants (GTAs) in Successful College Calculus Programs
Chair: Chris Rasmussen
Title: Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Jaime Diamond, '13
Dissertation: Teachers' Beliefs Regarding the Generalization of Students' Learning and How to Support the Generalization of Students' Learning
Chair: Joanne Lobato
Title: Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics and Science Education, University of Georgia, Athens
Dov Zazkis, '13
Dissertation: Calculus Students' Representation Use in Group-Work and Individual Settings
Chair: Chris Rasmussen
Title: Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Arizona State University, Phoenix
Michael Smith, '12
Dissertation: Methods of Mathematical Struggle
Chair: Ricardo Nemirovsky
Title: Senior Instructor and Cofounder, The Center for Applied Rationality, Berkeley, California
Michelle Nolasco, '12
Dissertation: Reciprocal Engagement between a Scientist and Visual Displays
Chairs: Ricardo Nemirovsky & Meredith Houle-Vaughn
Title: Scientific Technical Writer, Agena Bioscience, San Diego
George Sweeney, '12
Dissertation: Negotiating Meaning for the Symbolic Expressions for Vectors and Vector Equations in a Classroom Community of Practice
Chair: Chris Rasmussen
Title: Associate Professor and Coordinator of the Math Center, Mathematics Department, Santa Ana College
John 'Zig' Siegfried, '12
Dissertation: The Hidden Strand of Mathematical Proficiency: Defining and Assessing for Productive Disposition in Elementary School Teachers' Mathematical Content Knowledge
Chair: Randy Philipp
Title: Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, James Madison University
Ian Whitacre, '12
Dissertation: Investigating Number Sense Development in a Mathematics Content Course for Prospective Elementary Teachers
Chair: Susan Nickerson
Title: Professor in Elementary Mathematics Education, School of Teacher Education, Florida State University, Tallahassee
Jen Lineback, '12
Dissertation: Mrs. Miller's Evolution in Teaching Science as Inquiry: A Case Study of a Teacher's Change in Responsiveness
Chair: Fred Goldberg
Title: Professor, School of Education/Department of Biology, Point Loma Nazarene University
Corinne Lardy, '11
Dissertation: Personal Science Teaching Efficacy and the Beliefs and Practices of Elementary Teachers Related to Science Instruction
Chair: Cheryl Mason
Title: Associate Professor, College of Education, Sacramento State
Megan Wawro, '11
Dissertation: Individual and Collective Analysis of the Genesis of Student Reasoning Regarding the Invertible Matrix Theorem in Linear Algebra
Chair: Chris Rasmussen
Title: Professor, Department of Mathematics, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Charles Hohensee, '11
Dissertation: Backward Transfer: How Mathematical Understanding Changes as one Builds Upon It
Chair: Joanne Lobato
Title: Associate Professor, School of Education, University of Delaware, Newark
Osvaldo Soto, '10
Dissertation: Teacher Change in the Context of a Proof-Centered Professional Development
Chair: Guershon Harel
Title: Researcher, CRMSE, SDSU
Cassondra Brown Lochard, '09
Dissertation: Perspectives on Instructor Modeling in Mathematics Teacher Education
Chair: Susan Nickerson
Title: Assistant Professor, Palomar College, San Marcos CA
Rebekka Darner, '07
Dissertation: The Use of Self-Determination Theory to Foster Environmental Motivation in an Environmental Biology Course
Chair: Alexander Chizhik
Title: Associate Professor, Department of Biology and Director, Center for Science, Mathematics and Technology, Illinois State University, Normal
Anne Duffy, '06
Dissertation: Students' Ways of Understanding Aromaticity and Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution Reactions
Chair: Barbara Sawrey
Title: Teacher, Advisor, and Grade Level Coordinator, Eastside Prepratory School, Kirkland, Washington
Kien Lim, '06
Dissertation: Students' Mental Acts of Anticipating in Solving Problems Involving Algebraic Inequalities and Equations
Chair: Guershon Harel
Title: Associate Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Texas, El Paso
April Maskiewicz Cordero, '06
Dissertation: Rethinking Biology Instruction: The Application of DNR-Based Instruction to the Learning and Teaching of Biology
Chairs: Guershon Harel & Gabriele Wienhausen
Title: Professor, Department of Biology; Director of the University Now Program, Point Loma Nazarene University, San Diego
Eva Thanheiser, '05
Dissertation: Preservice Teachers' Understanding of Multidigit Whole Numbers
Chair: Randy Philipp
Title: Professor, Department of Mathematics, Portland State University
Amy Ellis, '04
Dissertation: Relationships Between Generalizing and Justifying: Students’ Reasoning with Linear Functions
Chair: Joanne Lobato
Title: Professor, College of Education, University of Georgia, Athens
Dianne Anderson, '03
Dissertation: Natural Selection Theory in Non-Majors' Biology: Instruction, Assessment and Conceptual Difficulty
Chair: Kathleen Fisher
Title: Professor, Department of Biology; Director of the Master’s Program in Biology, Point Loma Nazarene University, San Diego
Stacy Brown, '03
Dissertation: The Evolution of Students' Understanding of Mathematical Induction: A Teaching Experiment
Chair: Larry Sowder
Title: Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Cal Poly, Pomona
Cody Sandifer, '01
Dissertation: Factors Influencing Middle School Students' Sense-Making Discussions in their Small-Group Investigations of Force and Motion
Chair: Fred Goldberg
Title: Professor of Physics, Department of Physics, Astronomy and Geosciences, Towson University in Maryland
Susan Nickerson, '01
Dissertation: Supporting Students' Understanding of Algebra: Symbolizing in a Technology-Enhanced Classroom
Chair: Janet Bowers
Title: Professor of Mathematics Education, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, SDSU
Valerie Otero, '01
Dissertation: The Process of Learning about Static Electricity and the Role of the Computer Simulator
Chair: Fred Goldberg
Title: Professor of Science Education, School of Education, University of Colorado, Boulder
Daniel Siebert, '00
Dissertation: Coherent, Dynamic Accounts of Prospective Secondary Mathematics Teachers' Knowledge of and Beliefs about Mathematics
Chair: Randy Philipp
Title: Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics Education, Brigham Young University
Lisa Clement Lamb, '99
Dissertation: The Constitution of Teachers' Orientations Toward Teaching Mathematics
Chair: Randy Philipp
Title: Professor of Mathematical Education, School of Teacher Education, SDSU
Andy Johnson, '99
Dissertation: Students' Development of Models of Magnetic Materials
Chair: Fred Goldberg
Title: Assistant Professor of Physics, School of Natural Sciences; Associate Director of the Center for the Advancement of Math and Science Education, Black Hills State University, South Dakota
Our students form supportive communities within and across their cohorts. Given the large, diverse faculty, students' academic interests can grow organically, rather than be limited by the interests of a small faculty. Click or hover-over below to learn more.
Sloan Hill-Lindsay
Science Education
Undergraduate Instructor Beliefs, Conceptual Assessment in Biology
Anything Outdoors, Hanging with Animals
Kristin Tenney
Mathematics Education
Undergraduate and Graduate Math Education, Trigonometry Education, Equity
Hiking, Camping, Music
Talia Latona Tequida
Mathematics Education
Undergraduate Mathematics Education, Abstract Algebra Education
Surfing, NBA Basketball
Isabel White
Mathematics Education
Students' transfer and retention of mathematics, Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, Cognitive Psychology
Musical theater, Singing, Dancing
Gabriela Hernandez
Mathematics Education
Graduate student professional development, Equity research
Rock climbing, Yoga, Scuba diving
Mariah Moschetti
Mathematics Education
Active Learning in Undergraduate Mathematics, Equity, Institutional Change
Video Games, Electronic Dance Music, Hiking
Esperanza Ochoa
Mathematics Education
K-12 mathematics education and curriculum development; Algebraic thinking
Community-building activities, Volunteering, Working with young people
Austin Zuckerman
Science Education
Meaningful science learning in secondary and higher education
Running, Hiking, Puzzles
Carlos Alejandro de Alba
Mathematics Education
Undergraduate Mathematics Education & Latinx Community College Mathematics Experience
Baseball, Musical Theater, Video Games
Maraliz Fischler Barraza
Science Education
K-14 science exposure and equity for underrepresented women
Family time, hikes, bikes, ocean, cooking
Tracy Camacho
Mathematics Education
Undergraduate mathematics education, institutional change, social network analysis
Designing and crafting leather goods, photography, coffee
Eva Fuentes-Lopez
Mathematics Education
Undergraduate Mathematics Education, Inclusive practices, equitable learning, data analytics
Skateboarding, photography, playing musical instruments
Abel Sekone
Mathematics Education
Student's motivation, statistics education, educational data mining
Soccer, Playing music, Graphic Design
Blue Taylor
Mathematics Education
Building Instructional Team’s Capacity, Evidence Based Collaboration and Learning Communities
Climbing, Surfing, Drawing, Dungeons & Dragons, Karaoke
Ryan Gabriel Aniceto
Mathematics Education
Undergraduate mathematics education, Mathematics majors’ experiences and retention
Working out, watching reality tv, reading
Elizabeth Flynn
Mathematics Education
Undergraduate and graduate math education. Curriculum development. Women in STEM.
Helping cats, backpacking, swimming
Katya Hernandez
Mathematics Education
Diversity in STEM and equitable outcomes in higher education
Cooking, baking, eating, creative writing, questioning everything, and learning
Audrey Johnson
Science Education
Biology Education Research (BER), undergraduate learning in introductory biology, phenomena-based engagement, active learning environments, broadening participation in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EEB) careers, student sense of belonging and motivation
SCUBA diving, walking/hiking, plein air painting, photography, traveling, and trying new things (especially yummy food)!
Ruo Ning (Nancy) Qiu
Mathematics Education
Undergraduate Mathematics Education, Classroom Practices, Student Reasoning, and Data Analytics
Origami & Crafts, Journaling, Cooking
Angelina (Angel) Bisson
Mathematics Education
Undergraduate and graduate mathematics education, innovative and active learning teaching methods, institutional change in education systems and policies, differential geometry
Hiking, Camping, Cooking, Painting, Coffee, My dogs
Nicholas Jacome
Mathematics Education
Undergraduate Mathematics Education, Community College, and Learning Communities
My dog, Plants, Video Games
Noelle LaBrie
Mathematics Education
Undergraduate Mathematics Education, Classroom Practices, and Retention in STEM
Video Games, Music, Puzzles
Henry Nguyen
Science Education
Undergraduate Chemistry Education, Equity
Video Games, E-sports
Emily Perkins
Mathematics Education
Early childhood mathematics learning, media and mathematical learning, and K-12 mathematics
My dog (Percy!), Hiking, Birdwatching, Crocheting
Jaime Santos
Mathematics Education
How cultural factors affect the success of underrepresented students; how different teaching strategies can be adapted to engage all students independently of their math background
Playing Music, cooking, and weightlifting