Evaluation of the Satisfaction with Appearance Scale (SWAP) and Brief-SWAP in Systemic Sclerosis. The award was given by the Association of Test Publishers at the annual American Psychological Association conference earlier this month in Honolulu. JDP students Sarah Mills and Rina Fox were awarded a Certificate of Merit for their poster presentation.
Sarah D. Mills, MS, the first author, is a third year pre-doctoral trainee in the SDSU/UCSD Joint Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology, specializing in Behavioral Medicine. She works in the research laboratories of Dr. Vanessa Malcarne and Dr. Elizabeth Klonoff. Her research interests include ethnic minority health disparities, psychometrics, and coping with chronic illness.
Rina S. Fox, MS, the second author, is a fourth year pre-doctoral trainee in the SDSU/UCSD Joint Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology, specializing in Behavioral Medicine. She works in the Chronic Illness Research Laboratory at SDSU, under the mentorship of Dr. Vanessa Malcarne. Her research interests include assessing mechanisms for coping with the stresses of chronic illness, diminishing cultural health disparities, and psychometrics.
Congratulations, Sarah and Rina!