Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Prescribed fire and soil microbial communities in a native perennial grassland
Through a collaboration with SPAWAR (Dawn Lawson), SERG (Tom Zink), the USGS and others, we had the opportunity to study the effects of a prescribed burn experiment on soil microbial communities in a perennial grassland on San Clemente Island. Prescribed fire is a potential tool for controlling exotic annual grasses and restoring the native perennial…
Voices of the Sea Ice
Voices of the Sea Ice: engaging an Arctic community to communicate impacts of climate change David Lipson, Kim Reasor, Kååre Sikuaq Erickson The predominantly Inupiat people of Utqiaġvik, Alaska are among those who will be most impacted by climate change and the loss of Arctic sea ice in the near future. Subsistence hunting of marine…
Art and Science of Snow Microbiology
Our Art-science residency in the Finnish Arctic culminated in a poster at the 2017 AGU meeting in New Orleans and two exhibitions in San Diego in 2018. Our AGU Poster describes a snow microbiology research project and how the data were translated into oil paintings by Kim Reasor, shown below (click on her name to see…
Iron reduction in soils of the Alaskan Arctic
From 2009-2012, we were funded by the NSF to study the importance of iron (Fe(III)) reduction as a dominant anaerobic process in soils of the Arctic Coastal Plain, near Barrow, Alaska. Fe(III) can serve as an alternative electron acceptor for anaerobic respiration when oxygen is depleted. What is special about Fe(III) is that it generally…
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