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Department of Physics

Professor Calvin W. Johnson

Web pages



     #1 Piece of advice: Talk to your professors!

     Letters of recommendation

     Career development.  A new tool is the individual development plan (from AAAS). You might try it (and let me know what you think).  An alternate set of IDP webpages from Stanford.

     Office hours
           I love for students to come to office hours, or even stop by outside of official office hours. If you come with a question about the class, however, it is best to come prepared and be specific.
    The well-prepare student will have reviewed notes from lectures and, when appropriate, the assigned text/reading, and have specific questions.
    The poorly prepared student will not have reviewed notes/reading and will have vague questions.
     You are welcome to come and discuss topics beyond assignments, or even beyond the class, and those can be wide-ranging.